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Students Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)

A Students ‘Grievance Redressal Committee is formed to promote and maintain a conducive and unprejudiced educational environment. It is a measure to develop a responsive and accountable attitude in the institution and ensure that there is no laxity in terms of fair-deal with the students and organization.


To develop an organizational frame work to resolve the grievances of students, faculties and other stakeholders.


The objective of the Students ‘grievance redressal committee is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stake holders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institution.


  • To provide students an opportunity to address their complaints, issues and concerns.
  • To initiate proactive measures to redress the grievances of the students.
  • To get suggestions periodically from the students for improvement.
  • To ensure that the views of grievant and respondent are respected and that any party to a Grievance is not discriminated or victimized.


  1. Complaints can be register through an online form.
  2. Complaints in writing from students, staff and parents may be dropped in ‘Suggestion/Complaint Box’ or submitted to any member of the committee or Heads of the Department.
  3. On receipt of the grievances the Grievance Redressal Cell scrutinizes, analyzes carefully and discusses with the concerned person to find out on amicable solution without affecting the interests of both the parties.
  4. The grievances committee members will maintain a book of records to ensure transparency.
  5. Grievance Redressal Committee conducts meetings periodically and takes steps to redress the grievances.
  6. The feedback for the same will be communicated to the individual, who has raised the grievance.

Students ‘Grievance Redressal Committee

Chair Person
Mrs. PRASEEJA T, Asst. Professor (Dept. of Mathematics)
Mrs. INDIRA S , Asst..Professor (PG Dept. of Commerce & Management)
Mrs. GIRIJA PRASAD, Asst. Professor (Dept. of English)
Mrs. SURABHILA K Asst. Professor (PG Dept. of Computer Science)
AUGUSTINE L (Student Representative)
Your Complaints